Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a price list?

No. Almost every piece is unique. Each product is made to specifically please each customer. Prices are not set but very standardized. Prices only vary slightly due to size or materials requested.

Do I have to wait long for my order?

No. My goal is to make your piece at the highest quality I can. Also, I don’t want you to wait forever for it either. I make every effort to complete your product in a timely manner. Special holidays or events are given extra accommodations.

Can I give you a design to duplicate?

Yes. I can use an idea or design and duplicate it for you. I can upload logos or images into CNC software as well to make custom engravings. I have even used a logo designed by a client decades previous and used it in a piece.

How is you mustache so amazing and inspirational?

Uncle Ben once said, “With great power comes great responsibility”. I take this to heart when it comes to my facial hair. While my mustache has many fans, I take it as an immense responsibility. A regal mustache must be worn by a man of action. I strive to honor those who have come before me such as Teddy Roosevelt and Ron Swanson with my output and deeds.